Baltimore Criminal Defense Lawyers
Violent Crimes Are Harshly Punished Under Maryland Laws
Our Baltimore firm raises an aggressive defense against murder, assault, weapons and sex offense charges
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI,) four offenses comprise the violent crimes category — murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault. The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program defines violent crimes as offenses that involve force or the threat of force. Violent crimes are usually the most aggressively prosecuted offenses. Prosecutors often aggressively try these cases if the alleged victim is seriously injured, killed, or has significant fear.
Founded in 1980, LeViness, Tolzman & Hamilton protects your rights in Maryland’s criminal justice system. Our lawyers thoroughly review your charges and assess every detail of the law enforcement investigation. To build a strong criminal defense, we may challenge a traffic stop that lacked probable cause or a search and seizure that was conducted without a warrant. We always demand that the prosecution prove every element of its case beyond a reasonable doubt.
Forensic Evidence in Violent Crimes
Law enforcement employs sophisticated scientific methods to solve violent crimes. During its investigation, agents may collect DNA, fingerprint, hair fiber, ballistic and computer evidence. Our Baltimore criminal lawyers remain on the forefront of forensic evidence analysis to counter the prosecution’s allegations. We also maintain professional relationships with prestigious experts in the Baltimore community who assist us in discovery and at trial.
Offenses Considered Violent Crimes in Maryland
Violent crimes carry heavier sentences than nonviolent crimes. An offense not typically considered a violent crime is nevertheless classified as violent if a firearm is used in commission of the crime. For example, drug crimes, often referred to as victim less offenses, are subject to harsher penalties if the accused is holding a gun. Similarly, a misdemeanor simple assault is upgraded to a felony aggravated assault when a firearm is used to threaten another person.
Maryland criminal statutes mandate imprisonment for a felony or violent crime committed with a firearm. The weapons charge carries a term of five to 20 years served consecutively after completion of the sentence for the felony or violent crime. Even possession of an unloaded or inoperable gun can drastically increase your sentence.
Consult our Baltimore Criminal Defense Lawyers at LeViness, Tolzman & Hamilton for an Aggressive Defense After Your Arrest for a Violent Crime
To learn more about your rights and options in a violent crime prosecution, call Baltimore criminal lawyers at LeViness, Tolzman & Hamilton at 800-547-4LAW (4529) or contact our firm online. We offer a free initial consultation for potential criminal defense clients throughout Maryland.